
EUCAST news and updates (2023.12.05)

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    2023-12-06 10:25
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EUCAST news and updates

Dear colleagues,

The following news items have been published in the previous month:

  • 05 Dec 2023:  Breakpoint table 14.0 (2024) available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023)

    The EUCAST breakpoint table 14.0 (to be published on 1 January, 2024) is now available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023). Comments and questions should be addressed to erika.matuschek[at]eucast.org or gunnar.kahlmeter[at]eucast.org. 


    For 2024 the changes are limited and in essence described as:


    • Fosfomycin iv breakpoints revised
    • Cefiderocol ATUs revised, and zone diameter breakpoint for Enterobacterales adjusted.
    • Ciprofloxacin breakpoints for staphylococci revised.
    • Breakpoint for C. difficile and fidaxomicin added.
    • Breakpoints for Bacillus anthracis added.
    • Breakpoints for Brucella melitensis added.
    • PK-PD breakpoints removed from the table (see explanation in the PK-PD tab) and "When there are no breakpoints
  • 23 Nov 2023:  Fosfomycin IV rationale document published

    The fosfomycin IV rationale document is available from 2023-11-23.


  • 21 Nov 2023:  Comments and responses to consultations published

    Comments and EUCAST responses to the open consultations on Brucella melitensis and Bacillus anthracis proposed breakpoints and methods are now published.


  • 15 Nov 2023:  Three rationale documents from VetCast available for comments

    The EUCAST Veterinary committee has released three rationale documents for consultation (comments no later than 8 January, 2024)


  • 07 Nov 2023:  News from VetCAST - publication on PK/PD for benzylpenicillin in horses

    Pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic cutoff values for benzylpenicillin in horses to support the establishment of clinical breakpoints for benzylpenicillin antimicrobial susceptibility testing in horses. E.Lallemande et al, October, 2023. Front. Microbiol., 25 October 2023. Volume 14 - 2023 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1282949




  • 02 Nov 2023:  bioMerieux has still not withdrawn the malfunctioning colistin AST material

    This is a general and iterated EUCAST warning against material sold by bioMerieux for susceptibility testing (AST) of colistin. It is years since it was conclusively shown by scientists that material for AST sold by bioMerieux completely fails to meet acceptable accuracy, and the material is still sold by bioMerieux. The warning published several years ago has again been updated! The message is the same! 


Please visit the EUCAST News page to read more.

All changes to the EUCAST website and to AST recommendations and guidance are listed in a table on the EUCAST website!

With kind regards,

  ESCMID Executive Office
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4001 Basel
Phone +41 61 508 0150
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