
EUCAST news and updates (2024.01.02)

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    2024-01-04 08:48
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EUCAST news and updates

Dear colleagues,

The following news items have been published in the previous month:

  • 02 Jan 2024:  Publication in JAC of Vibrio spp methods and material for breakpoints

    Publication in Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: Vibrio species - development of EUCAST susceptibility testing methods and MIC and zone diameter distributions on which to determine clinical breakpoints. Onur Karatuna et al. December 2023.


  • 31 Dec 2023:  The 2024 breakpoint and QC tables available

    The breakpoint tables, dosing tab, QC tables and manuals pertaining to disk diffusion updated.


  • 18 Dec 2023:  Colistin susceptibility testing

    A few weeks ago, we informed EUCAST users, that the Warning against bioMerieux AST material for colistin, still stands. The item referred (by a link) to the EUCAST Warnings page where it was made clear exactly which material was malfuntioning and should have been withdrawn by bioMerieux. However, the news item itself was not sufficiently specific. Following contact with bioMerieux and Liofilchem and also with colleagues asking questions, we would like to modify the item as follows:    


    Malfunctioning colistin gradient tests


    Colistin gradient tests sold by bioMerieux (Etest) and Liofilchem (MTS) for susceptibility testing (AST) have been malfunctioning since the very beginning. It is 7 years since it was conclusively shown that both colistin gradient tests completely fail to meet acceptable accuracy, especially on values close to the breakpoint. The warning was first published in 2016 and has been reviewed and retained several times by EUCAST in the period 2016 – 2023. Liofilchem informed us in the spring of 2023 that their gradient test was for ROU (research use only) and should not be used for clinical susceptibility testing. EUCAST has now been informed by bioMerieux that their product will no longer be available after the 1st quarter 2024.


    A new colistin test on VITEK2 cards has been developed by bioMerieux and we are now frequently asked by colleagues about the performance. EUCAST never evaluated Vitek2 or any other semiautomated AST system - it is beyond our capacity to systematically review material and methods other than that which is part of EUCAST standard methods. We encourage users to ask to see the full evaluations performed by the companies (species, broth microdilution MIC-values, Vitek2 results) to make sure that sufficient and relevant species and strains/isolates with reference MIC values on or close to the breakpoints (2 mg/L for all Enterobacterales, 4 mg/L for Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were used in the validation. We also encourage colleagues to report problems both to the manufacturer and to EUCAST.


    We apologize for any misunderstanding which could have occurred if readers did not go to the full text.


  • 05 Dec 2023:  CMR publication on the use of wild type MIC distributions and ECOFFs


    Wild-type distributions of minimum inhibitory concentrations and epidemiological cut-off values-laboratory and clinical utility. 

    Gunnar Kahlmeter, John Turnidge. Clinical microbiological reviews, December 2023. DOI: 10.1128/cmr.00100-22



  • 05 Dec 2023:  Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on iv use.

    Fosfomycin - response to consultation and guidance on intravenous use


  • 05 Dec 2023:  Breakpoint table 14.0 (2024) available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023)

    The EUCAST breakpoint table 14.0 (to be published on 1 January, 2024) is now available for consultation (5-19 December, 2023). Comments and questions should be addressed to erika.matuschek[at]eucast.org or gunnar.kahlmeter[at]eucast.org. 


    For 2024 the changes are limited and in essence described as:


    • Fosfomycin iv breakpoints revised
    • Cefiderocol ATUs revised, and zone diameter breakpoint for Enterobacterales adjusted.
    • Ciprofloxacin breakpoints for staphylococci revised.
    • Breakpoint for C. difficile and fidaxomicin added.
    • Breakpoints for Bacillus anthracis added.
    • Breakpoints for Brucella melitensis added.
    • PK-PD breakpoints removed from the table (see explanation in the PK-PD tab) and "When there are no breakpoints

Please visit the EUCAST News page to read more.

All changes to the EUCAST website and to AST recommendations and guidance are listed in a table on the EUCAST website!

With kind regards,

  ESCMID Executive Office
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Phone +41 61 508 0150
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The EUCAST Newsletter is issued on behalf of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) by the ESCMID Executive Office. It contains announcements of EUCAST-related matters and other information of interest to professionals in the infection field.

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