
EUCAST news and updates (2024.08.06)

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    2024-08-06 17:34
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EUCAST news and updates

Dear colleagues,

The following news items have been published in the previous month:

  • 17 Jul 2024:  What agents to test and which to avoid!

    Occasionally colleagues request information from EUCAST on what agents to test and which to avoid. EUCAST has hitherto refrained from giving firm advice simply because national traditions, availability and cost of agents, and guidelines vary to the extent where a general prescriptive  advice becomes inappropriate. "Read between the lines:" agents which EUCAST consider unsuitable for therapy of a species or a group of species will typically lack numerical breakpoints in EUCAST tables. Agents considered appropriate for some or several types of infection with the species (or group of species) will have numerical breakpoints. An "IE" is a subtle encouragement together with a reminder that EUCAST could not find evidence for the appropriateness of the agent, whereas a "dash" is firm recommendation from EUCAST to avoid the agent. 


  • 17 Jul 2024:  CMI Podcast on EUCAST achievements

    Communicable E5 - Beauty is in the 'I' of the beholder: EUCAST updates with Sören Gatermann and Christian Giske, discussing pros and cons with Angela Huttner and Mark Bonten.


  • 15 Jul 2024:  Twenty years with EUCAST AFST

    Twenty Years in EUCAST Anti‑Fungal Susceptibility Testing: Progress & Remaining Challenges. Maiken Cavling Arendrup, Jesus Guinea, Joseph Meletiadis. Mycopathologia (2024) 189:64. Follow this link for free access: https://rdcu.be/dNwq5.




  • 14 Jul 2024:  S, I and R and surveillance of AMR

    This is to clarify how "susceptibility (S and I)" and "resistance (R)" should be reported in AMR surveillance with the EUCAST definitions of S I and R. With the EUCAST definitions, the tradition to report "non-susceptibility" as the joint rate of %I and %R is abandoned. Previously (pre-2019) it was tempting to lump I and R together whereas with the modern EUCAST definitions, both S and I are susceptible categories and breakpoints have been systematically reviewed and revised to reflect this. In antimicrobial resistance surveillance there are three alternatives:


    1. Report only %R 
    2. Report %S, %I and %R separately
    3. If for some reason lumping categories is deemed necessary, lump S and I (to represent %susceptible) but never lump %I and %R. 
  • 05 Jul 2024:  Website statistics updated

    Statistics for the use of the EUCAST website are updated quarterly.


    The total number of page-views has increased over time and is now between 150 000 and 200 000.  We are happy you find the information we convey via the website useful. More statistics are available.


  • 04 Jul 2024:  RAST from EUCAST updated to include Salmonella enterica

    RAST breakpoints and methods were developed further to include Salmonella enterica in systemic infections.


    Some QC criteria were also updated. 


  • 04 Jul 2024:  Two new RDs for published

    Rationale Documents for aztreonam-avibactam and cefepime-enmetazobactam available.


Please visit the EUCAST News page to read more.

All changes to the EUCAST website and to AST recommendations and guidance are listed in a table on the EUCAST website!

With kind regards,

  ESCMID Executive Office
Aeschenvorstadt 55
4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 508 0150
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The EUCAST Newsletter is issued on behalf of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) by the ESCMID Executive Office. It contains announcements of EUCAST-related matters and other information of interest to professionals in the infection field.