[행사안내] the 37th Annual Conference of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS 2025) 개최 안내

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    2025-03-11 00:00
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IPVS 2025 학술대회가 태국 방콕에서 아래와 같이 개최되어 안내 드립니다.


IPVS 2025
37th Annual Conference of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS 2025)
October 23-26, 2025, Bangkok, Thailand 

With the overarching theme “Research toward the Global Elimination of HPV-Related Diseases and Cancers”, IPVS 2025 promises to be a platform for the reporting of cutting-edge, international, HPV research. 

Workshops organized by key opinion leaders in the field will provide an opportunity for delegates to hear “state of the art” developments in basic science, public health, and clinical science. A dedicated early careers track will also provide the opportunity for young scientists to network and showcase their work. 

The Special Interest Satellite Symposium Proposal Submission is now open, so we are waiting for your submissions until March 17, 2025.  

We look forward to welcoming you to IPVS 2025!


1) 행사명: the 37th Annual Conference of the International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS 2025)

2) 행사일시: 2025년 10월 23일(목) ~ 26일(일)

3) 행사장소: The Queen Sirikit National Convention Center in Bangkok, ThailandBangkok, Thailand

4) 초록제출기한: 2025년 3월 19일(수) ~ 5월 12일(월)

5) 사전등록기한: ~ 2025년 6월 30일(월) (Early Fee 기준)